Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week 1--Blog Response to Amy White

thursday, october 1, 2009

Week1: Digging Back into Blogging

I am excited to start blogging again; particularly when there aren't so many rules attached to it. I enjoyed expressing my thoughts, but the format was too structured in our last graduate class so I didn't really enjoy it. It felt really stressful. I have been reading over the info in FSO and I'm looking forward to all what this class has to offer. I feel like we'll finally get some time to explore all the things we've only had time to glance at as we hurried by. So, I hope to get my hands dirty and dig into all the great stuff out in the www. Here's to a great month!!


j.s. white said...
Cute picture!
jojoteach1109 said...
I agree with you about our previous exposure to blogging. I'm very excited about getting to blog again, but with fewer limitations. I am eager about being able to share with one another and work through this class and thesis together. I hope that this blog becomes a regular practice for me and seems like less of a chore. I am also looking forward to further exploration of some of the tools that I'd like to master. I feel like so many of our courses have been rushed with limited practice and expansion time for each project and/or new media. I'm excited to go back and relearn some of the media that has been introduced throughout this program. Oh, and Amy, Cooper is adorable.

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