Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wanted: Time Management Skills

I feel as if I should post my calendar and agenda online for everyone to see, so that when I have to tell someone "no" they would understand why.  I have always been the first one to sign up to assist others and I have often put others before myself and I just can't do that anymore.  I'm finding that being enrolled full-time in a Master's degree program, teaching full-time, teaching clogging classes and private lessons, finishing two reading endorsement classes, and managing a household does not fall into place all on it's own.  I'm not sure where to begin.  I've tried to let household chores slide a little, but I can only handle that for so long.  My lesson planning and paper grading has been pushed aside, but these are responsibilities that must be taken care of in order to keep my job.  I have deadlines to meet and I'm doing everything to stay above water.  My concern is that my disorganization and lack of time management skills are weighing heavily on me at this point and I don't feel effective in any area anymore.  I'm quickly losing energy and excitement for the things that were once most important in my life.  If anyone has any suggestions or tips for time management, please fill me in...I want to be successful and I want to enjoy the journey!


  1. You cannot do it all. You have to make some choices and eliminate something. This is an excellerated program and takes much time. Time organization can help but.

    Linda Burns

  2. Blogger Hirt said...

    Perhaps cut back on a few things and reevaluate what is important. It is hard to say no to people that you care about when they ask for something however if they love and respect you, they will understand. I do think that you need to make time for fun too! I literally schedule fun time last night I scheduled time to go have a 20 min dance party with a friend. I feel much more productive today knowing that I had fun last night.
